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Music in the air...

What started as fulfilling a promise to produce a family member's first concert, suddenly branched into an entire music department.  In fact, Artistic Director Danita Jones will be the first to admit that she shies away from concerts as much as possible. "Concerts are harder than plays," she admitted in a candid moment. "There are so many things to get wrong. If something goes wrong during a play, there are other actors to pick up the slack; but when something goes wrong during a concert, EVERYBODY will know. It's nerve wracking."


PBDJ is known for producing outstanding musical events. But how the company goes about choosing its artists is unique. "We look for the unknowns," Jones says. "I personally seek out exceptional talent that would otherwise be overlooked, or for whatever reason, hasn't had the opportunity to be featured as a headlined artist." 


To date, PBDJ has produced ten musical events. Often overlapping in the planning stages, most concerts take about nine months to plan. "I guess it is kind of poetic metaphor," says Jones about the length of the planning process, "it speaks to what it truly feels like. There's definitely labor before the beautiful birth of the event itself." 


The music department of PBDJ continues to grow, with its biggest event coming in  

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